Conditions We Treat

Back Pain/Neck Pain
When one is experiencing back pain or neck pain, they often first think of a chiropractor, which is a good thing! Treating back or neck pain is our bread and butter. There can be a wide variety of reasons someone is experiencing back pain or neck pain. Improper function due to lack of range of motion or poor stability are most often the cause of these issues. We will figure out which of these (if not both) is causing your pain and address it with joint manipulation, soft tissue/muscle work, and stability and strengthening exercises to make lasting changes to this frustrating pain you are experiencing.

Shoulder Pain/Hip Pain
Shoulder pain and hip pain are very common in the active population. Much of the time, shoulder pain is actually coming from dysfunction in the neck and hip pain is coming from dysfunction in the lumbar spine. The shoulder and hip are both unstable joints naturally because they have such a great range of motion. This instability allows for the necessary range of motion, but puts these joints at greater risk for injury. We use Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) for a majority of shoulder pain and hip pain and have seen some great treating these injuries!

Extremity Pain/Injuries (elbow/wrist/knee/ankle/foot)
To many people's surprise, the extremities are some of our favorite cases to treat, as Chiropractors. Whether the issue is nagging elbow/wrist/knee/ankle/foot pain that has been bothering you for years, or an acute injury from an injury/accident, we likely have an answer for these issues.

Sports Injuries
One of our highest passions at SWAT Chiropractic and Rehab is getting athletes back out of the field or court, as quick as possible, and as safe as possible. Whether it is a middle/high school athlete with a major ankle sprain/previous dislocated shoulder/previous surgery or a weekend warrior that was injured in the gym, it is our job and our passion to get you back to 100% (and likely more as we teach you how to properly centrate your joints and maximize your athletic potential).

Headaches and migraines can be very frustrating and debilitating conditions to deal with. Much of the time, these are caused by musculoskeletal issues, such as excessive tension and tone in the orofacial system. If this is the case, we provide manual therapy to the orofacial system to calm down the symptoms and decrease the frequency and severity of the headaches. Other causes may be a result of internal issues, such as food intolerances or hormonal issues. If musculoskeletal work doesn't make improvements to your condition, we have the tools necessary to discuss fixes to these other possible causes.

Disc Herniations/Sciatica
Sciatica, often caused by a disc herniation or other nerve root irritation in the lumbar spine is something people often come in with, without much hope of getting better because of the severity of it. Often times, with the proper diagnosis and finding a correct "directional preference" patients are able to leave with their pain significantly improved, or at least well on their way to improvement. We use MDT to abolish the symptoms and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization to reinforce lumbar stabilizing strategies to keep the symptoms from coming back.

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is a condition due to inflammation at the tendinous insertion on the bottom of the foot/heel. This condition is a result of improper foot biomechanics, restricted joints in the foot/ankle, improper function of the intrinsic muscles of the foot - or a combination of any of these. A combination of manual therapy, strengthening, and light joint manipulation in the mid foot often results in nice improvement with plantar fasciitis!

TMJ/Orofacial Pain
Whether you have clicking/popping in your jaw, pain in the jaw, or excessive tension and tone in the orofacial system, our doctors have been trained to treat these conditions. We will often collaborate with your dentist to make sure there are no other issues going on, but some precise manual therapy and directional preference work in the temporomandibular joint and surrounding facial musculature often gives amazing results to these aggravating jaw pains.

Carpal Tunnel/Nerve Entrapments
Carpal tunnel and other nerve entrapments can present in a variety of ways - numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain are the most prevalent. These nerve entrapments can occur both in the arms and the legs. Our main priority is figuring out if these symptoms are coming from nerve entrapment in the cervical/lumbar spine, or if the entrapment is peripheral, such as the carpal tunnel. With proper diagnosis via certain nerve tension tests and ranges of motion, we can often figure this out and get you back on your way to improving your symptoms with targeted at-home exercises and stretches.

Pregnancy/Post-Partum Pain and Dysfunction
The body goes through all kinds of anatomical changes during the pregnancy stages that cause many aches and pains. Chiropractic care can provide amazing relief to these pains. In addition to this, our #1 priority is to prepare the mother for birth, one of the most important physical tasks they will perform. Through targeted exercises, we will help the mother understand the importance of pelvic floor function and training to help her be as physically prepared as possible for the birthing process and post-partum time frame!

"Other" Upper Body Injuries We Commonly Treat
Upper back pain - Low back pain - Scoliosis - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) - Whiplash - Shoulder Impingement - Frozen Shoulder - Rotator Cuff Injury - Shoulder Bursitis - Tendonitis - Golfer's Elbow - Tennis Elbow - Joint Pain - Muscle Pain

"Other" Lower Body Injuries We Commonly Treat
Hip Impingement - Piriformis Syndrome - Radiating Pain - Hip/Knee Bursitis - IT Band Syndrome - Patellar Tendonitis - Achilles Tendonitis - Shin Splints - Ankle Sprains - Foot Pain - Joint Pain - Muscle Pain